Informational Seminars

IDW 2024 will host 7 seminars from our industries leaders in the Ballantyne Complex. The seminars will be held on Tuesday the 16th, Wednesday the 17th of January.

All seminars will be livestreamed and recorded for those unable to attend the event.

A downloadable copy of the Seminar Schedule is available by clicking the button below .


Get a Plan…!

  • Tuesday, 16 January, 9:00am.

  • Presented by: Dean Fry, Eagle Direct

    Seminar Information: Please join us for a tour and discussion on housing your cows and what resources are available to explore what a system would and could look like on your farm. This tour will be a great opportunity to witness first hand, housed dairy cows and meet the farmers that have been through the Master Plan process while hearing about the team they have built around them to manage and run these businesses. Also hear what team was required to plan and complete these projects.

Calf Rearing Speed Dating

  • Tuesday, 16 January, 10:00am.

  • Presented by: Adam Plant, MaxCare Sales Manager and Dr. Geoff Irish Ph.D., B.Ag.Sc. (Hons), Nutrition and Technical Manager

    Seminar Information: As a dairy farmer you are always busy and have many things you need to juggle. Life gets even busier when calving season comes around. The objective is to get the best possible results we can with each one of our new friends! To assist MaxCare has developed a ‘Speed Dating Guide’ designed to help you through the busy process. Further to this MaxCare has a toolbox full of useful hints, tips and tools you can use to make your calf rearing season easier with the aim of being more successful.

Maximising Yield whilst maintaining quality in Maize Silage

  • Tuesday, 16 January, 1:00pm.

  • Presented by: Jason Scott, Silage Specialist and Territory Sales Manager

    Description: Discover how to boost your maize silage production for improved milk production. Join Pioneer Seeds' Silage Specialist Jason Scott for a seminar on maximising maize silage production. We'll focus on practical strategies to achieve a 20-tonne dry matter yield while maintaining quality. Learn about crop management, such as choosing the right maize hybrids, planting density, and when to harvest. We'll also cover the importance of proper compaction, using additives to retain nutritional value, and the value of ensuring an anerobic storage environment.

  • Tuesday, January 16 11:00am.

  • Presented by: Lisa Menhenett (Worksafe Inspector)

    Seminar Description: The seminar will discuss who is responsible for safety on the farm, some of the common risks associated with farming, when to notify Worksafe, what a visit from Worksafe could look like and where to get help with safety in your business.

Is Safety a Priority on your farm? It’s never you until it is.


No two fields or feedstuffs are alike

  • Wednesday, 17 January, 11:30am.

  • Presented by: Hayden Hollis, Director

    Description: With the challenges of rising costs & climate extremes, improving homegrown forage has never been so important to assist in diluting costs. Fieldcore by Agricore powers Dairy Operations to improve the efficiency of their soils & feedstuffs in live time - matching nutrient delivery to the live cow requirement. Hayden Hollis, Director of Agricore, discusses how Fieldcore unites precision agronomy & precision livestock feeding to real time Dairy Farming.

Genetic Progress Model- From Breeding Strategies to Genomic Testing

  • Wednesday, 17 January, 1:30pm.

  • Presented by: Kevin Ziemba,

    Description: The Dynamics of STgenetics – Delivering Technology Every Step of the Way, as an enterprising company, ST is “not standing still” as it embraces and develops new technologies to add resilience to your dairying business. Kevin Ziemba, Eastern USA Manager – Genetic Development Team will update you on both current and future technologies that represents the progressive nature of ST, and the support it provides in generating returns for your genetic investments.

Making a measurable difference

  • Wednesday, 17 January, 12:30pm.

  • Presented by: Scott Davis, Datamars Livestock, Smart Farming Regional Manager.

    Description: Join us for an informative discussion around activity monitoring and how its bringing farmers closer to their cows. Assisting you to make better informed decisions and achieve measurable success – today and tomorrow.